Sunday, January 16, 2011

my own grave

Well, being this is an excellent opportunity to confuse and amuse future generations, I would choose to include a fair variety of items in my grave. If a pet happened to die along with me, I would want them included in my grave (but no sacrifice please) on the off chance what you're buried with actually does take you into the afterlife, and if not, it will at least show that I had some  great amount of affection for my animals. Also included, would be my rather large and interesting jewellery collection, plugs included. This would give archaeologists a great time trying to link the current trend of ear stretching with those of african tribes that have also taken part in this practice, and I have an odd amount of skulls and symbols in my jewellery collection, another interpretation wonder. It would hopefully give interpreters an indicator of the varied styles and interests I had in my living days, helping to paint a picture of the different (and sometimes odd) styles I wore. Kitchen gadgets would also be a great indicator of lifestyle, as I have quite a few flashy polka-dotted, and numerous grinders,graters, and interesting indicator of our times, and something that made one of my favourite hobbies more convenient. The last category of items I would include is food/packaging. How interesting would it be to crack into a grave mound and discover glass bottles, labels intact? To possibly have a language recorded, and discovered centuries later on a glass food container.

So, this would be my list of accoutrements I would wish to carry with me into the grave. It turns out i'm not that different from any other person in any other century buried with personal posessions on their grave. I, like many of those before me, want pets, food, jewellery/beauty items, and food service items placed in my grave to follow me as my legacy, and an indicator of the times I lived in.Now that I have had to give this some thought, i'm seriously thinking that purposely arranging personal items into your grave is an amazing opportunity to pass something along to future generations. If it gets that far.

Until next time,


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